KPM Blog

Boost Your Charity Marketing with Data Profiling

The Key to Cutting Through the Crowd

From rising living costs and donor fatigue to an ageing supporter base that’s slowly dwindling, charity marketers face nothing short of an uphill battle in our current climate. Yet amidst these difficulties is a golden opportunity for innovation and creativity – one that offers trailblazing marketers the chance to capture a new, younger audience, and generate continual income for the causes they so passionately champion.

In this blog, we’ll explore how the power of data profiling, when combined with a well-rounded marketing strategy that spans both digital and print, can generate real results for the charity marketers of today.  

But first, let’s look at what you’re up against.

The Charity Challenge

  1. Rising Cost of Living: A Challenge for Charities and Donors

The cost of living crisis is impacting everyone (with the exception of a lucky few), including charities and their supporters. With many regular donors moving from once-reliable direct debits to one-off donations, charities are seeing greater inconsistencies in their income streams. The pressing challenge for campaign managers then is how to encourage consistent donations in an increasingly competitive and financially constrained environment.

  • Donor Fatigue: How to Stand Out Amid the Noise

Charities are now competing with thousands of brands, causes, and organisations, all vying for the same (diminishing) pot of money. With so many causes reaching out for support, how do you make your charity’s message resonate in a meaningful way? The key lies in understanding your audience on a deeper level and offering them something that cuts through the clutter – personalised communication that speaks directly to their values, needs, and circumstances.

  • Ageing Donors: Engaging the Next Generation

Many long-standing donors are now ageing, and sadly, passing away – leaving a gap in regular contributions. Charities must now appeal to younger audiences like Gen Z, a demographic known for its engagement with brands and causes on digital platforms. Yet these digital natives still value offline experiences, especially when campaigns creatively fuse traditional and digital marketing tactics.

Hever Castle in Kent recently went viral after adopting a thoroughly Gen Z approach to its advertising (watch the vid here!), demonstrating that charities can capture the attention of younger audiences through relatable content. However, the key to long-term success is building relationships that go beyond the transient nature of online interactions.

Though digital dominates the landscape, print remains an underutilised yet incredibly powerful tool for charities looking to build trust with potential donors.

Successful fundraising often incorporates charity direct mail marketing for maximum impact.

The Power of Print: Why a Combined Approach Works Best

Print marketing has come a LONG way in recent years. So, while there’s no moving away from digital in our tech-obsessed society, a strategy that spans both digital and print is nothing short of essential for reaching a wider audience, keeping donors engaged, and standing out against the crowd.

While digital marketing allows for instant, real-time engagement, print marketing offers a more tangible, lasting impression. Unlike email (often deleted in seconds), direct mail is much more likely to be kept, re-read, and acted upon. In fact, a study by MarketReach found that physical mail leaves a much deeper emotional impact than digital messaging – making it a powerful tool for charities looking to engage donors more meaningfully.

Print also has the added advantage of feeling personal – which is incredibly important for capturing interest, particularly when targeting a younger audience that might be disengaged from traditional marketing methods. When paired with data profiling, print campaigns can be tailored to individual donors in much the same way that digital ads are targeted – allowing charities to communicate with their audience with better precision.

Many organisations rely on charity mail to communicate their mission and values, ensuring their cause reaches people who prefer traditional methods of engagement

> See how personalised print could help your charity

Data Profiling: The Key to Reaching Your Audience

Data profiling is a powerful tool that allows you to segment and understand your audience based on key demographic and behavioural data. This means you’re not just guessing who your ideal donor might be – you know exactly who they are, how they behave, and how to reach them.

For example, through data profiling, we helped one charity to identify its key target household:

  • Married with two children
  • One partner works, one stays at home
  • Household income of £100,000
  • Living in London and the South-East

By analysing this data, we built a highly targeted print campaign designed to speak directly to this audience, which increased engagement and donation rates.

This approach also helps charities to appeal to younger donors. By using behavioural data to understand how this demographic interacts with digital and print media, it’s possible to develop campaigns that blend both approaches for a seamless experience. For example, Gen Z might engage with your charity through a TikTok campaign; but only donate after receiving a well-timed and personalised direct mail appeal.

> Discover more about data profiling

Direct Mail for the Modern Era

Gone are the days of direct mail being a ‘spray and pray’ approach. Modern direct mail is highly targeted and data-driven, enabling you to send personalised, relevant messages to your ideal audience. By profiling your donor database, you can ensure your message reaches those most likely to engage, donate, and spread the word.

Whether it’s a personalised letter, a well-designed brochure, or a highly targeted postcard, direct mail cuts through the noise in a way that digital often can’t. While emails can be deleted or marked as spam, a piece of mail is tangible, trusted, and has a longer-lasting impact on its recipient.

> Uncover the benefits of direct mail marketing

Why Data Cleansing Matters

Your results are only as good as your data. That’s why we offer a data cleansing service to ensure your donor database is accurate and up to date. Data cleansing helps remove outdated or incorrect information, ensuring your campaigns reach the right people. By eliminating waste, data cleansing also helps improve your return on investment – ensuring your marketing budget is spent wisely.

> Fill in this form to book your free data health check

A Trusted Partner in Charity Marketing

Print marketing might feel less straightforward than digital, but not when you work with a partner who ‘gets it’. As champions of the power of print and data (we’ll work on something more catchy), we help charities navigate the unique challenges they’re up against with a clever combo of direct mail and cutting-edge data profiling.

In a world where donor attention is increasingly fragmented, data profiling can help you stand out in a crowded marketplace, re-engage lapsed donors, and attract a new generation of supporters.

Mail for charity initiatives plays a crucial role in charity marketing strategies, providing a reliable and trusted method to communicate with donors.

Ready to find out who your donors are, what they care about, and how best to reach them? Let’s talk.

Book a Free Data Health Check

Discover how effective your mailing data is with our free report and recommendations. You’ll gain insights into the quality of your data and see how much of your data is healthy. Plus, we’ll include recommendations for improvement and next steps.

To book your Free Data Health Check please fill in this form: Contact Us

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