KPM Blog

Why Direct Mail Marketing Works for Travel & Leisure

Postcard with blue background, yellow suitcase and palm trees

Recent reports show that people are becoming increasingly bored of screentime – which is unsurprising when you consider that many of us lose hours every day to our phones, tablets, laptops and TVs.

Digital may be dominant in our new tech-focused world, but savvy business leaders are beginning to recognise the invaluable promise of direct mail and print. An integral part of the marketing mix, direct mail and print cut through the digital noise that surrounds us at all hours of the day (and night).

How many emails to do you open, read and act on? What about online ads? Do they have an impact, or have they become white noise? It’s hard to stand out in a sea of digital voices, all trying to shout the loudest. Receiving a piece of mail, on the other hand, is far more likely to command attention.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the benefits of direct mail marketing for the travel, arts and leisure industry, and clue you in on how to capitalise on its power.

Direct mails commands attention

If you have an event to drive tickets sales for, or a not-to-be-missed offer on summer breaks to promote, you’re going to want to command your customers’ attention. Direct mail is proven to be far more effective at driving people to act than an email is – even if that action is to send people online. Where an email or digital ad may be ignored, mail is tangible, touchable, and tends to stick around – extending your marketing window.

In fact, the DMA found that 27% of direct mail is still ‘live’ within the household after 28 days!

Direct mail for resorts is staying in the home the longest*

Direct mail makes the message stick

One of the most frustrating things about email marketing is the tendency for people to delete without opening, or to skim and move on without taking the message in. If you don’t want your marketing efforts to go to waste, it’s worth noting that 60% of respondents in a Royal Mail survey said the physical nature of mail made it easier to recall messaging at a later date.

This is particularly pertinent for the travel and leisure industry, where marketing tends to be time-critical.

Key mail metrics for travel advertisers include 4.6 frequency of interaction and 5.4 days lifespan.*

Direct mail makes people feel valued

Picture this: you’re sat at home and hear the letterbox clink. You get up and go to investigate: on the mat is a beautifully designed, high-quality printed invitation to this season’s local food festival – complete with early bird discount. You feel like your presence is wanted; requested; like you couldn’t possibly refuse.

That’s the power of direct mail: it makes people feel valued and targeted (in the best possible way), rather than simply part of an email marketing list. So much so that 86% of people have contacted a business as a direct result of receiving mail.

Lower income audiences engage with voucher codes. Meanwhile, loyalty rewards work well for more affluent audiences.*

Direct mail is trusted

You’re not going to get a virus that destroys your hard drive by opening a letter now, are you? People are increasingly conscious of cybercrime these days – especially now that it’s on the rise – and therefore wary about the emails they open and the links they click. There’s also the worry that the services, events or tickets that people are being sold online aren’t the real deal; mail doesn’t carry those same concerns.

With fake news and misinformation at every turn, trust in direct mail recently rose by 12% – demonstrating the weight that mail still carries. In fact, a reassuring 87% of consumers see mail as believable across all age groups (and your industry needs trust from old and young).

Direct mail for airlines is the most efficient at generating multiple interactions, and is also the most likely to be shared in the home*

Direct mail delivers as part of a multichannel approach

Mail isn’t here to replace digital, just as digital can’t replace mail. The two together, on the other hand, can return results worth writing home about! A Royal Mail/JICMAIL report found that using a combination of mail and digital can boost response rates by a whopping 62%.

For the travel, leisure & arts industry, you could utilise mail by sending personalised invites to an event – or a mailer offering a limited-time discount on a holiday – before driving your recipients to a dedicated landing page on your website; or you could mail a flyer about a local fayre complete with QR code to scan for special offers or early entry. The possibilities are endless!

Direct mail in action – create your busiest booking day

Luxury liner Cunard successfully sold out its maiden voyage in less than one day through a carefully crafted mail pack – and while their budget may have been big, it shows how big brands are turning to direct mail for high impact and measurable results.

Keen to entice loyal customers ahead of the launch of its new ship Queen Anne, Cunard commissioned an opulent pack that made its recipients feel excited – and truly enthralled. From the crisp white mailing and richly textured black presentation box, to the dazzling collection of gold and teal cards depicting the ships grand architectural features and the beautifully crafted brochure beneath, guests were given a tangible taste of the glamour that awaited them.

Little wonder then that Cunard reported its busiest booking day for more than a decade!

How KPM can help your Travel & Leisure business

Whether you’re looking for data management, personalisation or transactional mail, we have bags of experience in serving the travel, leisure & arts industry – including:

  • Brand awareness leaflets and postcards
  • Event showcase brochures and booklets
  • Price promotions and giveaways
  • Ticket printing
  • Programmes and posters
  • What’s on guides
  • Membership renewals

Our production services include envelope overprinting, finishing, automated/hand enclosing fulfilment options and high-speed inkjet and laser printing personalisation.

Book a Free Data Health Check

Discover how effective your mailing data is with our free report and recommendations. You’ll gain
insights into the quality of your data and see how much of your data is healthy. Plus, we’ll
include recommendations for improvement and next steps.

To book your Free Data Health Check please fill in the form: Contact Us

*Source: JICMAIL Travel Webinar ‘Making Mail Work Harder in Challenging Times’

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