KPM Blog

5 minutes with… Marian Lively

Q&A...5 minutes with

Marian Lively, Managing Director

‘5 minutes with…’ is a series of short Q&A’s with our team, to help you get to know them better. Here is Marian Lively, Managing Director. Find out more about KPM’s print superheroes.

What do you love about your job?

There must be something that I love because I’ve been doing this for over 20 years now! Really it’s people and being able to help. I can be a grump bag sometimes (apparently) but underneath it all, I love delivering solutions and helping to solve problems. Typically the better problems to solve are time and resource restraints for complicated and time-sensitive mailings, where we can really make things happen. But I’ll talk to you about anything… children, hairstyles, what food [not] to eat….       

How can clients ensure that they get the most from their print campaigns?

Bring in your ‘expert’ team (that’s us!) as early as possible. The earlier you explain what you are trying to achieve, why you want to achieve it and what the important, driving factors are, then the earlier we can advise and help to achieve that goal. It’s no good creating a pack design that just won’t work in production. The earlier we can guide you to an achievable solution the more chance there is of hitting your goal on time and within budget. 

What type of challenges do you help clients to overcome? 

My background is in fast turnaround, regulated financial services projects – my specialism is how to achieve a seemingly impossible schedule! This usually means asking the team to work late nights and over weekends. However, the satisfaction when we achieve something that most companies would not consider as possible is immense.


Contact us to talk about your next direct mail, personalisation or mailing project. 

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