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Mail matters: why mail is proving more effective than ever

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Mail matters: why mail is proving more effective than ever

With most of us working from home, schooling from home, exercising from home, and just about everything from home, it makes sense that to get your message seen, you need to get in front of people – at home.

As businesses seek effective ways to stay in touch with customers throughout the pandemic and beyond, mail is proving to be a popular choice. And it’s not hard to see why: the increased time spent at home has increased our engagement with physical mail; and we’re all fed up of Zoom calls, so mail is a welcome relief from the digital world. Even with the roadmap out of lockdown, our habits have changed, and some form remote working is likely to remain.

According to research from Royal Mail, consumers engaged with 96% of all mail during lockdown; 88% of people said they paid as much or more attention to mail during lockdown, with each piece of mail interacted with an average of 4.5 times. The research also uncovered a 70% increase in the number of people going online as a result of something they read in a piece of mail – showing the power of an integrated approach.

But that’s not all.

  • Mail is 49% more memorable than email
  • Print boasts 10 times higher conversion rates than digital channels
  • 27% of advertising mail stays in the home for over four weeks
  • Adding print to the marketing mix can boost ROI by 12%
  • Mail can be targeted and tracked
  • 70% of people who receive mail says it makes them feel valued
  • Mail is shared with at least one other person 30% of the time

Mail delivers positivity and trust

As well as being a safe way to communicate (evidence suggests that mail cannot transmit Coronavirus), the physical presence of mail inspires reassurance, authority and trust.

A prime example of this is the ‘Boris letter’ sent by the government during the crisis – it was widely remembered across the UK. It impacted people’s behaviours, was welcomed, and signalled authority. This has implications for other sectors: when the message is important, use print.

Furthermore, mail offers an extended reach, makes a physical impact, and is capable of connecting communities:

  • Extended reach – Mail can be targeted at individuals and households, offering regional and national reach; including the older generations who may not use email or smartphones.
  • Physical impact – Mail is opened and read. People give it their full attention, making it ideal for delivering important messages.
  • Connecting communities – Mail can connect vulnerable audiences to key services, information and support.
Interiors hallway at home
We are all spending more time at home.

“It has never been more important for brands to strengthen their relationships and build connections with their customers. The pandemic has meant that home has become and will remain an important and safe place for people; creating the ideal environment for them to engage with direct mail more deeply than ever.

Now is the perfect time to deepen customer relationships and drive revenue through mail.”

Amanda Griffiths, Head of Communications Planning at Royal Mail MarketReach

Using print for your sector

Direct mail is a great way to keep your brand front of mind: 60% of people feel that mail from the brands they value keeps the organisation top of mind, while 57% say it inspires them to think more positively about the brand.

So, how can you use print for your business?

  • Charities – Communicate services and mental health support; create interest in much-needed fundraising efforts
  • Retail – Thank you notes for being a customer, offering store/online discount (58% of high internet activity users keep vouchers & discounts sent by mail for more than a week), guidelines on what to expect in-store
  • Government – Lockdown easing guidance; advice on how to reduce loneliness; dispel Coronavirus myths; information on access to new support
  • Financial Services – Letters to businesses and customers to offer support and help them to get back on track as lockdown eases and businesses reopen
  • Insurers – Letters to customers about changing travel Terms and Conditions
  • Credit cards – Guidelines for non-users on card use; support for those with short-term high credit needs.
  • Utilities – Communicate updated pricing information; reassurance about ongoing services; advice about managing costs
  • Telecoms – Tips on ensuring best quality WiFi; increasing data packages; extending key services as remote working continues

And of course, another benefit of mail is that the channel is 100% GDPR friendly – meaning no opt in/opt out headaches for your marketing department.

Furthermore, mail plays a key role throughout your customer’s journey. For best results, it should be strategically integrated into the customer journey, working alongside other channels to deliver the maximum value.

While it’s tempting to rely solely on email, email is not a substitute for mail. Both have unique strengths and complement each other, whether you’re communicating for awareness, upselling, retention or reactivation.

Find out more

To find out more about our print services, and to learn about how we can make sure your mail stands out, contact our friendly team today:

01322 663328

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