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10 Top reasons to use direct mail in your next campaign

Doormat at home

10 Top reasons to use direct mail in your next campaign

During difficult times, effectiveness matters more than ever.

In a turbulent year for all businesses, it’s unsurprising that marketing spend in the UK has fallen 48%1 year-on-year. Budgets have come under intense focus and return on investment is of critical importance.

The unprecedented disruptions to our lives have changed the way marketing is consumed, shifting the rules of engagement. In addition, the media landscape has shifted dramatically.

People were – and still are – spending a lot more time at home. Even with the lockdown easing roadmap, this shift will continue as hybrid working patterns become the norm. Out-of-home channels have suffered; and while digital received a boost, fatigue has set in.

Here then, we outline why mail is perfect for reaching your audience at home. Physical mail has been a particularly effective channel in unsettled times, providing a welcome break from digital noise as well as the connection of a tangible item.

Top 10 Reasons for Using Mail


The ability to personalise mail helps to connect recipients with your message and business, enabling you to create the personal touch at scale.


As a physical item, people tend to hold onto mail longer, to look at it more than once, reminded by its presence to act. This flexibility increases recipient’s receptivity to your communications.


Just by being kept in the home mail is likely to be seen by more than the recipient alone. Mail is frequently stored for later, to be shared or discussed, whereas email can feel intrusive or get quickly deleted.


Mail provides the space to tell and illustrate a story well, helping to communicate impact and build engagement. With many creative options, physical mail can be engaging, informative and useful, helping people to understand your message and what the next action/options are.


70% of customers say that mail makes them feel valued as a customer. And valued, happy customers are loyal customers. The perceived effort and cost of writing or sending a mailing, particularly when personalised to them, helps customers to feel valued and appreciated: “They care about my needs/my business.”

Mail performs best when part of an integrated approach

The public has the ability to control what they receive, and when they look at it, signing up to relevant preference services or making direct requests to organisations over how they wish to be communicated with. Also, direct mail is 100% GDPR friendly and is subject to fewer data privacy restrictions than email.


It gives you the ability to reach out to people who may have seen a campaign elsewhere to continue or expand the story (complementing digital activity). Print plays a key role as a driver towards digital channels and online purchasing. When primed by mail people spend 30%2 longer looking at social ads.


Mail is unique; the only channel that will transport a physical item directly into people’s homes. Print’s tangibility provokes a very different reaction than other channels, and with so much digital content vying for people’s attention, it stands out. So, even if a recipient doesn’t act immediately, mail is physical reminder to respond when the time is right.


Whether you send leaflets or welcome packs, newsletters or thank you cards, mail is versatile, enabling your business to communicate in your own way.


Mail adds value, particularly as part of an integrated approach, increasing ROI and driving response. In fact, adding mail to the marketing mix can boost ROI by 12%3.

Using mail to engage and strengthen customer relationships

As is the case with most marketing channels, mail performs best when part of an integrated approach, building value and strengthening the customer journey. Rather than seeing a piece of mail in isolation, mail will often help keep the message in play – in the ‘to do pile’, discussed, acted upon – and driving a response.

The most successful campaigns understand how mail can play a key role at all stages of the customer journey. Mail should be strategically integrated, working alongside other channels to deliver the maximum value.

Get in touch

To find out more about our print & mail services, and to learn how we can ensure your mail stands out, contact our friendly team today:

01322 663328

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1. WARC, August 2020
2. Royal Mail MarketReach, Neuro-Insight 2018
3. Royal Mail MarketReach, Mail and Adding Value 2020

Royal Mail MarketReach The Power of Mail 2020
Royal Mail MarketReach Mail Matters More Than Ever 2020

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