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Partially Addressed Mail

Partially Addressed Mail

A new way to reach customers post-GDPR


UPDATED: March 2021

Are you using Partially Addressed Mail? It’s a service from Royal Mail, designed for businesses who want to prospect new customers. 

The service occupies a middle ground between door drops and fully addressed mail. This gives businesses more choice to reach prospects. It enables targeted mailings without the use of personal data, by targeting households using geo-demographics at postcode level.

Addressed mail remains a highly effective way to reach customers post-GDPR. However, this service offers cost benefits when targeting cold prospects.

How does it work?

Instead of addressing direct mail to an individual, the item is addressed to the household, or to a campaign-specific name. This enables customer acquisition without the use of personal data.

Partially Addressed Mail lets you target small groups of around 15 households.  You can top up postcodes in areas where you already have existing customers or find postcodes with similar potential customers. Mailings are addressed with a relevant title, such as ‘Pizza Lover’ or ‘Pet Owner’, to catch your audiences’ attention. 

  • ‘Top-Up’ data enables you to identify new prospects in areas where there’s a high proportion of existing customers. This gives you greater reach in areas where your service is already being used.
  • ‘Look-a-like’ audiences can be identified using tools which identify postcodes with similar characteristics to existing customers. This helps you find customers in new areas, but who are likely to be interested in your service.

Partially Addressed Mail - Targeting

Combining both methods could give you 30% more reach than fully addressed mail; if you need to acquire mailing data. It will also significantly reduce data costs in this instance.  

How does it differ to addressed mail?

  • Lower postage costs
  • Reduced data costs
  • 30% more reach

Partially Addressed Mail has lower postage costs. Therefore, the prices are lower than the Advertising Mail service, at 4p per item less for letters and 2p per item less for large letters.

As you don’t need to purchase personal data, you can expect to save 5-10p per item on data costs. In addition, for the same spend, you can reach 30% more households than with a personalised cold list. 

There is a minimum requirement of 10,000 items per mailing, removing personal addresses, existing customers and suppressed customers. 


  Fully Addressed Partially Addressed Door Drops
Best for Customers, lapsed customers, qualified prospects Cold prospects Cold prospects
Addressee To name Campaign-specific, e.g. Holiday Lover To household
Targeting Highly targeted Geo-demographic profiling – ‘Top Up’ & ‘Look-alike’ audiences Location-based
GDPR compliant
Mailing size As required Min 10k items High volume


Benefits of Partially Addressed Mail

Partially Addressed Mail is an innovative option for acquisition mailings. It’s GDPR compliant, giving you more targeting options and more choice in how to allocate the campaign budget.

In summary, Partially Addressed Mail:

  • Uses no personal data about the recipient
  • Targeted to c15 households
  • Combines ‘top-up’ and ‘look-alike’ targeting
  • Addressable and campaign specific, e.g. to Valued Customer
  • x165 more targeted than door drop
  • Cheaper than cold mailing
  • Increases brand awareness

Please Contact Us to understand how Partially Addressed Mail can complement your mailing strategy. 





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