KPM Blog

How a Data Health Check will boost business efficiency and productivity

Customer data health check

Your customer data is your best asset. At KPM Group we understand how vital it is for your business that your data is secure, clean, and accurate – your data is our concern.

Our Data Management service uses state-of-the-art software to organise, securely store, and maintain the quality of customer data. We run regular data health checks and updates to ensure your data is reliable. We can also work with you to boost response rates by identifying the demographics and behaviours of your customer base through data profiling. This, in turn, will improve your ROI (return on investment).

Better manage your customer data

Our Data Management service includes manual and database checks to:

  • Ensure postcode and address accuracy. We check addresses and postcodes against Royal Mail criteria so that mail always reaches the correct address.
  • Remove out of date email addresses. Capturing people who have unsubscribed from email lists or opted out of communications through services like the Mail Preference Service.
  • Screen for ‘suspect’ words. These can attach to your data accidentally or by design. We screen against a large database of words and expletives to avoid embarrassment to your business and customers.
  • Remove duplicate names and addresses. We use a rigorous system which cross-checks files to identify duplicates and avoid waste, unnecessary costs, and loss of brand reputation.
  • Remove details of deceased clients. Checking against the National Deceased Register and Mortascreen avoids upset to relatives and the alienation of potential customers.
  • Track change of address. Using data from the Royal Mail change of address system and other data experts like Experian.
  • Apply postage discounts. We sort mail in the most efficient way to achieve cost-effective pricing for your mail campaigns.

The benefits of regular Data Cleansing

Data cleansing not only ensures your data is correct; the analytics it produces can positively impact business decision-making. The insights gleaned from a Data Health Check will help your marketing campaign to be targeted precisely to potential customers and/or your established client base.

In addition, quality data establishes who your viable contacts are and who to mail or call. This improves business efficiency and boosts staff productivity – by reducing the number of hours lost in unproductive contact.

Targeted data reduces the wastage involved in direct mail marketing to people who may have moved or are deceased. It also helps the environment by keeping print and distribution materials to the minimum and goes towards fulfilling environmental credentials.

Stethoscope for medical check up

Spam and unsolicited contact can lead to bad feeling and damage to brand reputation. This is avoided with data management. It means you are only approaching people open to being contacted by you, with a greater prospect they will generate income for you.

Plus, a further advantage of data cleansing is to minimise GDPR compliance risks. Hefty fines can be the result for businesses in breach of database security, customer contact permissions or communication opt-outs.

Refine targeting with Data Profiling

Current and relevant data gives real information about your client base derived from their previous preferences and behaviours. This includes who they are, their age group, their location, what type of accommodation they live in, what their interests are, and what they buy.

To help you make the most of your data we compare it with B2B and B2C external databases looking at patterns, client history and demography to compile a data profile of your audience and market. This enables you to understand even more about your clients and their motivations. From this analysis, we can find more potential clients who fit this profile and establish the optimum time to approach them, in the ways they prefer.

Data profiling can significantly grow your business. Opportunities for client acquisition increase once you know who your clients are, enabling you to build a strong connection with them through powerful and targeted messaging.

Read more

> The Importance of Data Security for your print & mail campaigns
> How our Secure Printing Service can help your business mitigate print fraud

Book a Free Data Health Check

Discover how effective your data is with our free report and recommendations. You’ll gain
insights into the quality of your data and see how much of your data is healthy. Plus, we’ll
include recommendations for improvement and next steps.

To book your Free Data Health Check please fill in the form: Contact Us

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