
Print and mail solutions for your

educational institution

Count on KPM for an in-depth understanding of the printed mail and direct marketing needs of academies, colleges, schools and universities.

With more than 20 years’ experience in the industry, we know how to help you maximise the effectiveness of whatever size budget you have to work with. 

We appreciate that you run your educational institution like a business and that you’re looking for excellent Return on Investment (ROI) and results that can be easily measured. Direct mail delivers these objectives for you because it commands attention – more so than a flood of emails that often get left unopened. 

Receiving a piece of mail is a personal, tangible experience, and the quality of the overall communication can also help to reflect the weight and authority of your educational enterprise. While better targeting means less waste thanks to our data cleansing, development and bespoke programming capabilities. 


We know the Education sector

Whatever your print and mailing requirements, our expert in-house team can handle the whole process for you, from start to finish. We can also provide you with practical advice on how to save money on postal costs.

As you’re active in the Education sector, we’d also be very happy to share the lessons we’ve learned from providing successful direct mail campaigns for customers who have faced the same challenges as you.

Having the right qualifications is important to us too, and we have the GDPR Fundamentals, Cyber Essentials and ISO quality assurance certifications to prove it.

Put a big tick next to our roll call of capabilities

Quick turnaround projects and tight deadlines don’t faze our team. Here’s a selection of the type of transactional mail and direct marketing communications you can call on KPM to provide anytime:

Our production services include envelope overprinting, finishing, automated/hand enclosing fulfilment options and high-speed inkjet and laser printing personalisation. Be sure to contact us for a no-obligation discussion or quotation.

Recommended reading for you...

Let's talk

Optimise your direct mail campaigns and delivery.

Targeted, cost-effective print and mail campaigns for education that are big on ROI

Data Management

Optimise your strongest asset – your customer data


Build trust and boost results with personalised print

Print Services

A complete end-to-end solution from design to fulfilment

direct mail

Direct Mail

Cost-effective, flexible solutions that help you deliver

Transactional Mail

Outsource your business & transactional mail

Mail Fulfilment

Envelope enclosing including automated and hand fulfilment

Postal Services

Make your budget go further with postage savings

Storage, Pick & Pack

Storage and distribution options all under one roof